Race for the Pole
Race for the pole and the most prestige points - the further your captain gets and the more men survive, the more prestige you will accumulate. In each round you have as many turns as you want, but they get more and more dangerous. When all have passed, a weather card is resolved at the end of the round. When the pack ice card appears, you win with most prestige after the final round. In a round you have an action with one of your active researchers or you pass; for the action you select and resolve an available risk die. An active captain can move the flag. At the end you score for flag position, medal, pairs of camps, triplets of crates, explorers in the base camp and research tokens.
Race game with dice-driven actions for 1-4 players, ages 14+
Publisher: Pleasant Company Games 2016
Designer: Simon McGregor
Art: Robert van Zyl
Stock #: 715058
Users: With friends
Special: 1 player
Version: multi * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no