Zero Hero


You collect points by using Zerone pieces, collecting suitable card pairs and forming rows of exactly three cards. 56 cards come in seven colors with values of 0,0,2,2,2,3,3 and 4. You put down one card face-down and begin with three Zerones, a stack is prepared as stated. From this stack, four pairs of cards are put on display, each equipped with four Zerones. If you are active, you either take Zerones or buy a pair of cards. The costs of a pair equal the number of Zerones with the pair; you add the same number of Zerones to the pile, take the pair and display a new one. Symbols on cards are immediately implemented – put a card at another player or take a card from another player – craw a card and put it down face-down or take Zerone(s). If the end-of-game flag or the last card in the stack is reached, you score your rows of colors – most cards of value 0, rows of one card and rows of three cards.


Card game on number and color rows for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Piatnik 2023

Designer: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, Ralf zur Linde


Stock#: 669798


Users: For families


Version: cs de fr hu sk * Rules: cs de fr hu sk * In-game text: no