Letter Pieces are replaced by cards, the game mechanism remains the same. The game features 136 cards comprising letters, premiums, actions, and Rummy Rounds. In the classic version you have seven cards. In your turn you can place a word, swap cards or pass; premium cards for doubling or trebling points are allocated to a letter card, and the bonus of 50 points for placing all cards in a round is assigned. Cards discarded in swapping are shuffled into the draw pile. In a round with action cards you can play your card anytime, it gives points to yourself or penalty points to another player. In Rummy Rounds you receive a premium card when words you placed fit the current task on the Rummy Round card.
Word and letter game with cards for 2-4 players, ages 10+
Publisher: Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferd. Piatnik & Söhne 2024
License: Mattel 2023
Designer of the original game: Alfred M. Butts
Web: www.
Stock #: 672194
Users: For families
Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: no