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Rettet die Fische!

The pond is emptied!


The small village has fire fighters, too, of course, and the fire fighters need water when there is a fire. But as there rarely is a fire lots of colorful fish have settled in the pond. And now it has happened! There is a fire! And that means danger for the fish in the pond, too, because the more water the fire fighters pump out, the smaller the living room for the fish gets. Players try to save the fish in the pond before the pond is completely empty.

The pond is made up from six water tiles placed into a meadow, and then you place 20 fish in five different colors into the pond. In turn each player rolls the die: When the result is a fish you take fish of this color out of the pond and is saved. When the die shows flames indicating a fire the fire fighters need more water and the fish on one of the water tiles need to be saved by simply relocating them to other water tiles. When you manage to get out all the fishes before the pond is emptied completely all players have saved the fishes and won together!

Rettet die Fische! is a children’s game just as it should be – colorful, pretty and with a background story easily understood by children and with which they can identify. The small illogical fact that the water disappears in portions does not matter at all, on the contrary, it illustrates the urgency to save the fishes. The cooperative component is nicely implemented as well and provides a good game. As the die decides on fish or fire it is nobody’s fault when you cannot save all fishes because there are so many fishes that the pond is empty before you can get them out!


Players: 2-8

Age: 4+

Time: 20+

Designer: Marion Sandner

Artist: Klemens Franz

Price: ca. 15 Euro

Publisher: Piatnik 2011


Genre: Cooperative dice Game

Users: For children

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



Nice easily understood background story

Very pretty illustrations

Short playing time

Can be played without adult assistance


Compares to:

All cooperative dice game where you remove pieces

Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0