Resi und Rudi Ringel

Das bunte Raupenrennen


BOth players try to be the first to bring their caterpillar over the finish line. Each player starts with a head and 6 body parts in different colours. The caterpillar is laid out and the head placed on the front piece. In his turn a player rolls the die and then puts – beginning with the last body part – one part after the other in front of the head till the colour rolled is the front part, then the head is moved forward to that part. If a player rolls the colour where the head already sits, he places the barrier before the caterpillar of his opponent. This barrier must be circumvented.


Race game with colour die * 2 players from age 4 * Designer: Brigitte Pokornik * Graphics: Arthur Wagner * Licence Bar David RH * ca. 10 min * 644566, Piatnik, Austria, 2006 *** Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferdinand Piatnik & Söhne *