Quadro Color


Colored squares on a 7x7 board; eight squares each in orange, blue, grey, red and purple and 9 in green - 24 small tiles show four squares each in four of the colors. You draw three face-down tiles, turn them over on a signal and try to place your tiles as fast as you can on the board, in the corresponding intersection of four squares on the board. There is a place for every tile, so all depends on speed; you can turn the tile any ways before placing it. If you are finished first, you win the round. You can agree on a number of rounds and who did win most of them, wins the game.


Placement and reaction game for 2-5 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Piatnik 2013

Designer: Brad Ross, Jim Winslow

Web: www.piatnik.com

Art: Franz Türtscher

Stock#: 60859 9


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no