Pacal‘s Rocket


Pacal’s Rocket picks up the myth of the Palenque grave stone; we build pyramids with our space ships. The number of players determines the size of the board; all space ships begin in the Sacred District. One player rolls for all, then all have a turn in turn; you lift your space ship, thus leaving energy cubes, and move it. Depending on the kind of movement you drop an energy cube into your own ship or also into that of another player. When your energy cubes form a distinct pattern on the board, you build a corresponding pyramid and score points. When the game end condition is met and after a final scoring you win with most points.


Placement game for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Piatnik 2015

Designer: Günter Burkhardt

Artist: Maximiliano Longo


Stock#: 634192


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: cz de en fr hu it pl sk * In-game text: no