Played for you



Arithmetik and memory


Based on arithmetic puzzles you need to find tiles, using memo and mental arithmetic, to correspond to the individual puzzles.

49 tiles are numbered from 1 to 49 and are laid out, well-shuffled and face-down, in a 7x7 grid. There are two dice. One of them indicates if you as active player play, or if all play or if you need to use three tiles for the solution of the calculation. The second die shows mathematical symbols, three for the number rage of a correct solution (sum smaller than 20, sum bigger than sixty and sum smaller or equal to 5), and three for even numbers only, odd numbers only or a result that can be divided by 5.

You roll both dice to determine calculation and variant of play. Then you turn over two tiles. If the first one is one that makes a solution impossible, for instance a number bigger than 5 for the task of „sum smaller or equal to 5“, you may not reveal a second tile. In the solo version you try in turn to solve the task by turning up two tiles. When a player does not succeed, the tiles are turned over and the turn passes to the next player. For correct solutions you keep the tiles. In the open round for all the revealed tiles remain open, they may not be used by the next player. When all have turned over two tiles, the highest sum in case of correct solutions, or the smallest difference to 5, decide who takes his two tiles.

When all tiles have been taken or a solution is no longer possible, you win with most tiles.

Difficult, but not hard - difficult because of course the options get fewer with each correct solution. Nice arithmetic and memo training for all the family.


Players: 2-5

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Jens Sattler

Artist: not named

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: Piatnik 2014


Genre: Memo, calculating

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: cz de en fr hu it nl sk pl

In-game text: no



Only seems to be difficult

Each correct solution diminishes options

Nice family game

Good training for mental arithmetic


Compares to:

Memo games with task solutions


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 3

Memory (orange): 3

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0