Abstract 2-player game, material wood. Each player has one color, the pawns begin on the baseline with two beads in their color. Aim of the game is to get one pawn with a minimum of one bead to the opponent's baseline. 3 moves are possible for a player: 1 - move one of his pawns as far as there are beads on the pawn, horicontally or vertically. 2 - take the beads from one of his pawns and ditribute them any way on others of his own. 3 - If a move would end on a suqare with a pawn of the opponent, the pawn is defeated, both pawns remain where they are, all beads are removed from the defeated pawn and are out of the game. If a pawn reaches the opposite baseline or a player has lost all beads, the game ends..


Tactical Position game * 2 players from age 10 * Author: Gerhard Kodys * ca. 20 min

Piatnik, 2000 * Reprint, 1st print in 1986 *** Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferd. Piatnik & Söhne * Hütteldorferstraße 229-231 * A-1140 Wien * Fon: +43-1-9144151 * Fax: +43-1-9111445 * *