Lenny’s Limo

Die längste Limousine der Stadt!


Lenny’s limousine service is very much in demand; players need to find as many corresponding passengers as possible. Each player starts with a driver tile and a rear tile forming a mini limousine; 24 passenger tiles are laid out face-down. The active player turns up two tiles; when they correspond – marked by a continuous white line, representing the open windows – you put them into your limousine and can take an other turn. If not, you return both tiles face-down. When all 24 tiles are taken, you win with the longest limousine.


Memo game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Piatnik, 2022

Designer: Mary Jo Reutter

Web: www.piatnik.com

Stock #: 668890


Users: For children


Version: multi * Rules: de fr cz hu sk * In-game text: no