
Das schnelle Spiel für coole Denker!


A quiz game with a cute mechanism – there are 165 cards with questions featuring 5 different backsides. The numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 denote the number of points one can score with this card. The front side of each card features 3 questions with a color mark in blue, yellow or red – these markings correspond to the timer buttons; blue gives you 60 seconds, yellow 45 seconds and red 30 seconds to give the number of answers noted next to the color marker. Some cards list additional conditions for correct answers.  You choose a score, the question is determined with a color die. If you give the correct answers you move your marker – but! If you do not know all answers you can ask your fellow players, they receive a share of your score, negotiations are possible. All this must be done in the time frame including the correct answers you bought. If your marker reaches 42 first, you win the game.


Version        : de

Rules           : de

In-game text : yes


Quiz gme for 3-6 players, ages 15+ * Licence: NPD Toys, Max Ford * Art: Arthur Wagner * 630378, Piatnik, Austria, 2011 *** Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferd. Piatnik & Söhne *