Die dümmsten Verbrecher


Cards provide stories on clumsy crooks, ridiculous robbers or blundering burglars. Are those stories true or false? A correct answer to that question can give you a lot of money. You command five chips representing your crew members and a starting amount of money. The active player rolls a die and moves his pawn; depending on the slot you reach you can 1) commit a crime to acquire money - you must assess a quiz question as true or false and earn money for each crew member that you wagered if your answer is correct; for a wrong anser, the crew members go to jail. On the slot „Court“ you can pay bail to free crew members; on bounty member slots you can bribe them or a crew member goes to jail. On a neutral slot, nothing happens. If you arrive at an occupied slot, you fight rivals by dice roll. If you win 50.000 or more, you win.


Quiz game on crime topics for 2-4 players, ages 12+


Publisher: University Games / Piatnik 2021

Art: Anneka Quellhorst

Web: www.piatnik.com

Stock #: 721793


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes