Das Österreich-Spiel


The board shows a map of Austria in 27 squares and a scale for marking scores, each player puts his house onto one of the squares. In his move a player draws a tile – a map tile is placed on its square on the board – if the player’s house is on that square he scores three points and relocates his house. If another player’s house is on the square this player looses three points and relocates his house. Then the active player must answer a question, if he answers correctly he scores one point. An action tile brings either a new question or changes on the scoring scale or allows exchanging of a question. The player with the highest score after placing of the last tile or the player who reaches the end of the scoring scale wins.


Quizgame on Austria * 2-4 players from age 12 * Designer: Daniela Alscher-Spanninger * ca. 60 min * 640599, Piatnik, Austria, 2005 *** Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferdinand Piatnik & Söhne * www.piatnik.com