Das Niederösterreich-Spiel Land-und-Leute-Edition


Quiz game on the 573 communities of Lower Austria, the active player rolls a die fort he number of the question to read out, all other players answer as a team with a number. The active player then guesses if the actual answer will be higher or lower than the answer given by the others. Depending on the result the active player receives a chip. At the end of the game the player with the most chips wins.
Expansion for the Member’s gift 2004 of the Volkspartei Niederösterreich, 300 new cards, produced and distributed by Piatnik


Expansion for the quiz game * 2-6 players from age 7 * Author: Reiner Knizia * 360107, Volkspartei Niederösterreich, Austria, 2005 *** Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferd. Piatnik & Söhne * www.piatnik.com