Das neue Österreich Quiz


Did you know it or did you guess, asks the cover and the game asks unusual questions about Austria. 220 cards ask one question each and provide a choice of three answers. The standard game is intended for 3-6 players, rules for 2 or for more than six players are included. You are asked a question and decide on Risk or Answers. If you answer correctly in case of Risk, you get 3 chips for a correct answer and none for a wrong one. In case of Answers you get 2 chips for a correct answer and a second choice for wrong one, winning you one chip if you choose correctly from two answers.


Quiz game for 2-21 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Piatnik 2015

Designer: Melita und Robert Sedlaczek

Web: www.piatnik.com

Stock #:  612695


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes