Shadowrun Runner Kompendium
Life in the shadows is dangerous. This compendium offers new options with new advantages, and extended rules on contacts and life styles, supplemented with practical tips concerning work, travel, smuggling and other operations in the surveillance society. Player now can choose meta-variants, changelings and Infected ones. Non-human characters like Free Spirits, shape shifters and a new generation of Artificial Intelligent Beings are also presented.
A perennially fascination world full of dense atmosphere and an astonishing amount of painstakingly depicted details – this compendium is one of the gateways into the world of Shadowrun.
Source book for Shadowrun * 2-8 players, ages 14 and up * Designers: Rob Boyle, Peter Taylor und Teams * Editor German Edition: Tobias Hamelmann * Art: John Zeleznik, Ralf Berszuk and Team * 46030G, Pegasus, Deutschland, 2010 *** Pegasus Spiele *