

It’s the era of city states, Athens against Sparta: In each round players alternate their turns until both pass. You always choose any two of twelve possible actions, four development, four military and four political ones. Military actions deduct from your prestige. If one player has passed, the other pays 1 resource for each additional action. When both parties have more than 8 units in the same region, a battle with combat card follows. Then the end of the round is implemented. If you lose your capital or all prestige, your opponent wins automatically; otherwise, population, prestige and posterity prestige are scored.


Historical simulation for 2 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2013

Designer: Fran Diaz

Art: Marek Rutkowski, Hans-Georg Schneider

Web: www.pegasus.de

Stock Nr. 51875G


Users: For experts

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en es * In-game text: yes