

Dragon Fafnir is threatening the dwarven realm of Nidavellir; players embody Elvalands, council members, and are tasked with recruit armies. Two eras comprise three or four rounds each; each round comprises four phases: 1- Preparation – as many cards as there are players are laid out for each tavern. 2. Make bids – all place one of their fiuve coins on each tavern on their board. 3. Resolve taverns - coins are revealed; in order of bids, you take one card from the tavern: dwarves are displayed, Royal Offerings upgrade a coin; if you have fewer heroes than sets of rank designations in your army, you must recruit a hero and then swap gems in case of turn order ties. 4. Take back coins. At the end of the 1st era, you score majorities for classes – warriors, hunters, miners, blacksmiths or explorers for effects of distinction cards. After the 2nd era, you score dwarves of each class, heroes, coins and Golden Jewel.


Taktikal bid and collection game for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2020

License: Blackrock Games 2020, (c) 2019 Grrre Games

Designer: Serge Laget

Development, editing: Martin Zeeb

Art: Jean-Marie Minguez, Valêriane Holley, Jens Wiese


Stock #: 52160G


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: bg cs da de en es fi  fr h it ja ko nl no ol ru sr sv uk * In-game text: no