Ghost Adventure
The little ghost mouse with her magic spinner top can save the forest creatures. Players cooperate to complete missions in the versions adventure or quest and in various levels of difficulty; you move the top to complete paths over several boards featuring different worlds and targets. Boards for a mission are distributed among players; you move the top by tilting and moving a board, first to the target and then to the exit; action cases help to complete missions – the top can jump to a higher level, teleport to another world or refill the refreshments; those start the top anew in case of a mistake. Includes solo version.
Cooperative dexterity game for 1-4 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2020
License: Blackrock Games, (c) 2020 Buzzy Games
Designer: Wlad Watine
Realisation: Stefan Stadler, Klaus Ottmaier
Art: Dubost Jules, Yann Valeani, Jens Wiese
Comics: Germain Winzenschtark, Igor Polouchine
Stock #: 57160G
Users: For families
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it nl pl zh * In-game text: no