Farshore - Ein Spiel in der Welt von Everdell
Far away from Everdell in the Eternal See live entities who explore islands, collect resources, construct buildings or live as nuns and document the history of Farshore. You place animals at various locations to collect resources, points and cards. A turn comprises one of three action options: place one animal and resolve the related action OR play one card from your hand or the laguna, paying with resources, or place an anchor for an entity OR prepare the next season including re-calling animals, receiving a new animal and resolving board actions for the next season. The game ends at different moments for every player, as sopon as they have played the Autumn season and cannot resolve an action anymore. When the game has ended for all, you win with most points.
City building with worker placement and drafting for 1-4 players, ages 10+
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2024
License: Tabletop Tycoon © 2023
Designer: Clarissa A. Wilson, James A. Wilson
Development: Ian McCormack, Crissy Peske, Tom Peske, Alex Peske, Amy Peske, Clarissa A. Wilson, James A. Wilson
Editing: Tim Schuetz, Crissy Peske, Irina Siefert
Art: Jacqui Davis, Enggar Adirasa, Tristan Collins, Martin Andrew, Mühlenkind Kreativagentur, Jessy Töpfer
Web: www. pegasus.de
Stock #: 57611G
Users: With friends
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: cs de en es fr hu nl pl ru zh * In-game text: yes