played for you
Epic PvP Fantasy
Goblins as PaladineS
PvP denotes Player versus Player; in epic battles in Fantasy settings you combine Dwarves, Goblins, High Elves or Humans as so-called People with Druids, Villains, Paladins or Trappers as so-called Classes into unique combinations of abilities for tactics and strategy.
Each player chooses a People deck and a Class deck plus summaries, shuffles the cards and stacks them face-down. Then you draw as many cards for life points from the stack as your people summary denotes and place them face-down and then you draw five cards from the deck for your hand.
Players alternate their turns and you lose the game if your life points are down to 0. A turn comprises the phases of Increase aggression, Draw cards, Play actions, Assign defense, Defend, Suffer attack damage and End of turn. In the Increase Aggression phase you place two cards from your deck face-down onto your aggression stack and then draw cards for your hand from this stack. Then you play actions of values 1 to 6 up to the maximum of your aggression = number of cards in your aggression stack; abilities are free and can be played at the given time; actions can be used to defend against opposing attacks – each undefended attack gives you 1 damage and you discard the top card from your life points stack. Then you rotate your cards towards your opponent who discards all actions in his combat area.
Epic PvP is a deceptively simple and sophisticated card combat system, players are permanently confronted with the dilemma of drawing cards, resulting in a reduction of number of cards that can be played, or not drawing cards to be able to play more cards.
Players: 2 (4)
Age: 12+
Time: 30+
Designer: Ryan Miller, Luke Peterschmitt
Artist: Jay Hernishin and Team
Price: ca. 19 Euro
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2016
Genre: Fantasy, Card duels
Users: With friends
Special: 2 players
Version: de
Rules: de en
In-game text: yes
Team version for four players
Compares to:
All card duels for two players
Other editions:
Alderac Entertainment Group (en)
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 3
Strategy (blue):
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0