

Dungeon Roll

Zurück in den Dungeon


Adventure in the world of Dungeon Roll. The further you advance into the dungeon, the more dangerous it gets, but also the more valuable loot is to be found. In turn you are active player, until you secured your loot or had to flee. As active player, you can seek fame and turn over a card or secure treasure.

You receive a hero board and the companion tiles of your current hero level, loot tokens are laid out face-down in relation to the number of players. As active player, you can seek glory and turn up a card or stash treasures.

If you turn up a card, you must resolve it: Dungeon cards provide monsters and treasure for your current dungeon level; monsters - Goblins, Oozes and Skeletons - must be defeated with companions or you must flee. Treasures can be loot for your pouch or chests for 1 loot when opened by a companion. Used companions are exhausted and turned over to experience if they defeated a monster. The 3rd dragon that you reveal must be defeated with three companions for 2 loot tokens. With Pilfer cards you can take 1 loot token from another player.

If you must flee, you abandon loot and experience and are out of play for the round. To stash treasure, you relocate loot and experience tokens, upgrade your hero with experience and can gain access to a lower level. When all have fled, or stashed, a new round begins. When the last loot token is taken, you win with most victory points from loot and unused experience tokens.

Dungeon Roll is a cute adventure game, also suitable for families with some gaming experience. Essential for the game is the optimum use of your companions, and sometimes it pays off to rake some risks.


Players: 2-6

Age: 8+

Time: 45+

Designer: Ken Gruhl, Quentin Weir

Artist: Scott Nicely, Team

Price: ca. 13 Euro

Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2016


Genre: Fantasy, adventure, cards

Users: With friends


Version: de

Rules: de en

In-game text: yes



Standard topic

Nice design

Very attractive companion mechanism

Also of interest for families with gaming experience


Compares to:

Dungeon Roll for topic and design, other dungeon adventures with step-by-step revealing of the dungeon


Other editions:

Tasty Minstrel Games (en)


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0