Tiles are laid out to form a landscape to meet orders, and to form the longest possible train track and longest possible river while taking flags into account. In your first tree turns you reveal one order tile plus one order marker each, afterwards either a landscape tile or an order tile, for placement into a free slot on the board. Players cooperate to find the best possible placement. When all landscape tiles have been used, the board is scored. Achieved scores can unlock additional components for use in further games; instructions for their use come on instruction cards.
Cooperative tile placement for 1-6 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2022
License: Toukana Interactive
Designer: Michael Palm, Lukas Zach
Realisation: Klaus Ottmaier
Art: Paul Riebe
Stock #: 51240G
Users: For families
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: de en fr hu * In-game text: yes