Die Zwerge Albae-Erweiterung
Based on the novels by Markus Heintz, you embody a dwarf who wants to shield the Sheltered Lands from evil. To do so you must forge the Fire Blade and master an all-deciding task. In general a turn of an active player comprises: Advance hero marker, reveal new cards and resolve two actions. You can discuss each step and each action and take a joint decision, but the final decision always rests with the currently active player. All win together when the task of a Scenario C card is completed. When hero and downfall markers meet or one hero dies, all lose together.
The expansion comprises one scenario card, one adventure card, five threat cards and two equipment cards, the story is taken from the novel “Die Legenden der Albae: Dunkle Pfade” bei Markutz Heitz.
Expansion for Die Zwerge for 2-5 players, ages 12+
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2012
Designer: Michael Palm, Lukas Zach
Art: Jarek Nocoň, Hans-Georg Schneider
Web: www.pegasus.de
Stock#: -
Users: For experts
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes