Cthulhu Mittelalter

Die dunklen Jahre


This role-playing system is based on the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, thus the horror topic and the time frame of the 1920 is preset. The rules are simple and are based on a percentage system, you can swith between times and eras, this volume „Middle Ages“ transfers Cthulhu back into the time between 600 and 1600. The emphasis is on Europe and there on the Holy Roman Empire, featuring chapters on worldy, clerical and cthuloid aspects. The Special Edition Volume Cthuloid Worlds Cthulhu 1000 AD has been integrated in revised form.


Version                           : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : yes


Source book for the role playing system Call of Cthulhu * any number of players* no age given * Editing: Heiko Gill und Team * Design and Layout: Christian Hanisch and Team * 44300G, Pegasus, Germany, 2009 *** Pegasus Spiele * www.pegasus.de * Lizenz Chaosium Inc. *www.chaosium.de