played for you


Castle Panic

cooperation against monsters


As a group all players together use cards against monsters, swap cards and create a joint strategy.

In three version the set-up is given and always the same. In the basic version a turn comprises drawing new cards, discarding & drawing a new card and swapping cards (both facultative). Then you can play any number of cards to eliminate monsters or stop them or to renew walls or draw more cards. Cards for attacking a monster must correspond in color and circle sector type to the location of the monster. Monsters in the forest ring cannot be attacked, and only a few cards allow to attack them in the castle circle.

Each hit takes off one life point, a monster with zero life points is eliminated. Then monsters advance by one circle or one case in the castle circle; at a tower or wall they lose one life point and destroy tower or wall. At the end of your turn you draw two monsters and place them by rolling dice. Special effects that you draw at that point are immediately resolved.

When all 49 monsters and effects are resolved, all players win together. But when the last tower has been destroyed by monsters, all lose together. When all win, you are named Master Monster Killer when you collected most victory points. In the fully cooperative version there is no Master Monster Killer, eliminated monsters do not turn into trophies. In the version Lord of the Monsters one player controls all monsters and plays against all other players.

The chance element of drawing cards and rolling dice is balanced by strategy and tactic from cooperative play, the game is fund and that sometimes chance has the upper hand is inherent in the game.


Players: 1-6

Age: 8+

Time: 60+

Designer: Justin de Witt

Artist: Justin de Witt

Price: ca. 34 Euro

Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2015


Genre: Cooperation, monster bashing

Users: With friends

Special: 1 player

Version: de

Rules: de en

In-game text: yes



Good Mix of chance and tactics

Tactics and strategy result from cooperation

Attractive design

Standard topic


Compares to:

Games with cooperative use of cards and scoring


Other editions:

Fireside Games (en)


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 2

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 3

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0