Pako Ŝako


The name of the game means Peace Chess in Esperanto; pieces are not taken off the board, but are joint with opposing pieces in pairs. The standard chess rules apply, with those additions: A piece can be joined with any opposing piece; this combination can be moved by both players, according to the rules for their piece in the pair. A piece can only be taken out of a combination by replacing it with another piece. When the opposing king could be taken over in the next turn, he is in Ŝako = check in Schach, if he cannot avoid the takeover, he is Pako Ŝako = checkmate.


Placement und position game for 2 players, ages 4+


Publisher: Paco Sako BV 2017

Designer: Felix Albers

Stock #: 0118090009850


Users: For families

Special: 2


Version: de * Rules: de en nl + 11 more * In-game text: no