Blindes Huhn



True to the motto that even a blind hen might sometimes find a grain of corn, players try to win the most valuable hen cards in auctions while leaving the Blind Hens to the other players, but only when those Hens do not come with golden corns, because in combination with those corns Blind Hens are suddenly quite valuable.

You sort your starting cards by color into your display and the draw pile is prepared. The auctioneer of the round draws 3 cards and auctions them in a package. He must offer 1 or 2 cards openly, he alone knows all three cards and must make the first bid; he is not allowed to pass. Then all other players in turn give a bid, the highest bid wins the package. The winner auf the current auction round pays his bid to the auctioneer with hen cards taken from his display. When the auctioneer wins the round, he pays his bid with one card per player in turn, players choose their card themselves. Depending on the size of the bid a player could receive more than one card. Then the package is revealed and you sort Hen cards into your display, Blind Hens and Golden Corns are set aside face-down. On appearance of the game-end card you score for color majorities and card values in three colors as well as 5 points for pairs of Blind Hens and golden corns; a Blind Hen alone scores -3 points, a single Golden Corn +2 points.

Blind Hen offers a cute and unusual auction mechanism which gives the full information to the auctioneer only, who can then try to influence the other players with his bid, so that he can keep the lovely package for himself without paying too high a price for it.


Players: 3-5

Age: 10+

Time: 40+

Designer: Heike Risthaus

Artist: Jenny Seib, Stefan Malz

Price: ca. 12 Euro

Publisher: Ostia Spiele 2015


Genre: Auction, bluff

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: de en

In-game text: no



New edition

Well-working auction mechanism

Good mix of bluff and information

Four small expansions are available


Compares to:

Earlier editions of Blind Hen, other auction games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink):1

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 2

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0