

Benny has various fears and cries; players help him to overcome his fears and to get rid of his tears. You begin with three tears and a random fear; then situation and item cards are shuffled- you draw one and place the remaining face down in a circle; then all add their situation card, face down and reveal their fear. Then, in turn, you reveal a card in the circle and either take it or take it and must pass for the round or may shed tears. When all cards are revealed or only one active player is left, you put back the cards that you collected into a circle for the next round, trying to remember where you put them to avoid unwanted ones. If you are first to shed all tears, you win.


Card collecting game for 3-6 players, ages 4-10


Publisher: Opstelten Speletje 2009

Designer: Sabine Opstelten

Art: Anet van de Vorst


Stock #: -


Users: For children


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: no