

Players clap to a rhythm - twice their hands, once on the table, and so on; each player is dealt three cards. The active player covers, in the phase of hitting the table - two of his cards. The third, open card determines the next player - in the direction given by the card and showing the same fish. This player now must cover two of his cards and thus determine the next player. If you make a mistake, the bomb explodes and you lose a life. Whoever loses the third life, is out of the game, the last one in play wins.


Rhythm and reaction game with cards for 4-10 players, ages10+


Publisher: Old Chap Éditions 2013

Designer: Paul-Adrien Tournier, Jean-Baptiste Fremaux, Thomas Luzurier

Art: Nicolas Fumanal

Web: oldchap.games

Stock #: CTR301


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: fr * Rules: fr * In-game text: no