Augen auf beim <Umwelt> Kauf


When you shop you must take care that the things you buy do not cause damage to players or environment. Piles of garbage are obstacles to buying environment-consciously. A card is revealed; if there is already garbage at that spot in the shelves, you must place garbage and turn back over the card according to detailed rules. When the shelf spot is garbage-free, you may turn over a second card and - depending on the result, it is a pair or not - remove garbage and place environmental-friendly goods or place garbage again. The game is won by all when there are environmentally friendly goods on all pairs on the shelves.


Cooperative card placement for 2-5 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Ökotopia 1987

Designer: Wolfgang Hoffmann, Johannes Spruth

Art: Günter Mattei

Stock #: 10089 1


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no