Poor explorers are forced to share a submarine and one air tank for their treasure hunt. Salvaging a treasure = ruins chip uses air, when you run out of air on the way you drop collected treasures; salvaged treasures reduce your movement points from dice results on two dice of values 1 to 3. You can only return to the submarine once per round, score for treasures taken back to the submarine and can only enter it with ruins chips. A round ends when all have returned to the submarine or if a player is out of air at the start of their turn. After three rounds you win with most points from collected ruins chips.
Collecting game for 2-6 players, ages 8+
Publisher: Oink Games 2014
Designer: Jun Sasaki, Goro Sasaki
Art: Jun Sasaki
Web: www. oinkgames.com
Stock #: 0190920161
Users: For families
Special: 1 player
Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it nl + cz ja ko ru th * In-game text: no