Cavemen playing with Fire


One does not play with fire and therefore the cave dwellers want to extinguish one of the opposing fires to be on the safe side. A display of Fire Cards and Cave cards creates four paths for card movement, movement across cards to another path is possible. One turn comprises the phases 1 - implement action, 2 - place cards, 3 - discard cards and 4 - draw cards. An action is movement or attack using cave dwellers, only one step or attack per path. The special abilities of cave dweller cards are activated for movement or attack, but in doing so you reveal the location of the card. A fire is extinguished when an opposing cave dwellers moves on top of it with one step!


Card game for 2 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Odynaut Games 2012

Designer: Seffan Ros

Art: Uco Egmond


Stock#: 07921 3


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: multi * Rules: de en nl * In-game text: no