The Mind Soulmates


The game comprises number cards 1 to 50. As a team, players are tasked with sorting various amounts of cards, face down and in ascending order, four cards in Level 1. The Seer controls the stack; if the level is not mastered, the team loses one life and plays the level again with the same cards. At the start, the seer can check as many cards as the level card names and may write the indicated number of card values down on the board. Then he shuffles all cards and deals them evenly to all. Then whoever thinks he has the currently lowest value in hand puts that card down face-down. Any type of communication is strictly forbitten. If the level must be played again, the seer can write down another card value. When all lives plus one more level are lost, the mission has failed.


Sorting game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: nsv Nürnberger Spieleverlag 2023

Designer: Reinhard Staupe, Wolfgang Warsch

Art: Oliver Freudenreich


Stock #: 4134


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: cs de el en es fr it pt * In-game text: no