

All cards show four kites in four colors and a bis or small colored circle; each kite shows a number between 1 and 50. Four cards are on display, a fifth one is the starting card. When the circle on this card is small you look for the card showing the smallest number in a kite of this color, if it is large you search for the highest value. The circle on this 2nd card determines the 3rd one, etc. Values of previous cards are not taken into account. If you find the fifth card you put your hand on it: When you are correct, you take the card; if not, you quit the game. You win with six cards. New edition of Leonardo and Ikarus.


Concentration game for 2-5 players, ages 7+


Publisher: NSV

Designer: Reinhard Staupe

Art: Vanessa van Thien

Web: www.nsv.de

Stock #: 2119


Users: For children

Age: 7


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no