Who creates the biggest region?
At the start each player is secretly assigned one of five landscape types, he keeps the tile face-down. In your turn you draw a tile and place it face-up into the landscape. The new tile must at least border one other tile in the landscape. Once in the game you may take your secret tile and add it to the landscape instead of drawing a tile from the bag. This secret tile may also be used do cover a tile already in the landscape, but you may not use it to form a third level over another secret tile already placed. When the bag is empty and all secret tiles have been played you win with the largest connected are.
In the version Terrain: The Advanced Game you play several rounds. In each round you draw a fixed number of tiles and choose one of them for your secret tile of the round. Then you place your tiles in turn. The secret tile is placed last and immediately determine your score and write it down after placing it. When the last secret tile is placed, all draw their tiles for the next round, the landscape stays for the next round and the starting player is passed to the next player. When all players have been starting player once, the bag is empty and you win with the highest total score.
Well, basically this is a very simple game, the basic version is dominated by the chance element of drawing tiles and the tactic to keep your type of landscape secret as long as you can. In the variant some more tactic is introduced, still based on the tiles you did draw. Can I continue with my landscape type from previous round? Will my opponent grasp instantly that I want to continue his landscape in this round?
Players: 2-4
Age: 5+
Time: 20+
Designer: Dave Cousins
Artist: Dave Cousins
Price: ca. 20 Euro
Publisher: North and South Games 2014
Genre: Tile placement for areas
Users: For families
Version: multi
Rules: de en
In-game text: no
Very simple basic rules
Only connected tiles count
Two levels of difficulty
Compares to:
All tile placement games creating connected regions
Other editions:
Currently none
Chance (pink): 2
Tactic (turquoise): 2
Strategy (blue): 0
Creativity (dark blue): 0
Knowledge (yellow): 0
Memory (orange): 0
Communication (red): 0
Interaction (brown): 3
Dexterity (green): 0
Action (dark green): 0