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A game for bigger groups of players, on words and definitions, you play in two groups which should arrange themselws a little bit separately. At first glance the mechanism is well-known, one player describes an item or term avoiding forbidden words, the members of his team must guess the term within a time limit. But new in this game is, that you also have a list of words that you must use, which results in a completely different game. There are 110 double-sided cards, resulting in 220 terms, and the active player must take care to use the must-words as soon as possible, because a correctly guessed word only scores when all must-words have been used.


A game on definitions and words * 4-12 players, ages 14+ * Art: Michael Rüttinger * Redaktion: Editing * 60 601 6957, noris, 2011 *** noris Spiele * Georg Reulein GmbH & Co KG *