

Collect „busy scenes“ cards! 20 such cards with show crowded scenes in front and individual images on the back, one of them in a circle. Two cards scene-up and one card image-up are laid out. All search on the two crowed-scenes cards for the image in the circle on the third card. If you think that 1. The image is on both cards, you touch the image; 2. The image is only on one card, you touch the card, or 3. The image is missing on both cards, you clap your hand. When the quickest to react is correct, he takes one of the scene card; if not, he must give one back, if possible. If you are first to have three cards, you win!


Spotting game for 2-6 spiel für 2-6 Spieler ab drei Jahren


Publisher: Noris Spiele 2018

Designer: Daniel Fehr

Art: not named

Web: www.noris-spiele.de

Stock#:  60 601 1689


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no