

Quack Quack

COllecting duck eggs


You are a little duckling and want to collect eggs to take them to your nest; the other ducklings, that is the players, want to do the same.

The pond with a water lily leaf in the middle is set out and 20 colored eggs in four colors - red, blue, green and purple - are distributed in the holes. Each player dons a headband in one of the four colors, a duckling is fastened to the rod end.

Then all players try to get as many eggs as possible out of the pond as fast as possible, using the duckling. If you have picked up an egg with your duckling, you move the duckling over your nest and remove the egg with your hand and put it into the nest. When an egg has fallen out of the pond, it remains outside. In the basic version, each player may take any egg, the color is not important. When all eggs have been taken out of the pond and all players have taken eggs that might still be under their ducklings and placed them in the nest, you win with most eggs in your nest.

In a variant, you use the colors of headbands and eggs - each player tries to fish all eggs in the color of his headband out of the pond as fast as possible. It does not matter at all into which nest an egg is put, it is only important that you are the first player to have no eggs of your color left in the pond. If you have achieved this, you call “Quack Quack” and win.

The good old angling game, but varied very nicely and very prettily; guiding the rod with your head puts a complete new angle to the game and is lots of fun; the eggs keep attacked to the ducks very well. One minor fault - red and purple eggs are not easy to distinguish in artificial illumination.


Players: 2-4

Age: 4+

Time: 5+

Designer: not named

Artist: not named

Price: ca. 20 Euro

Publisher: Noris Spiele 2017


Genre: Dexterity, collecting

Users: For children

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: no



Rules on the back of the box

Nicely varied standard mechanism

Red and purple not an optimum color choice


Compares to:

All angling games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 3

Action (dark green): 3