One Word


You have some face-down cards which show two colors and one additional color; nine dice feature 54 different images. All dice are rolled and placed into the color slots of the box. If you are active player, you draw your first card and find, for yourself and secretly, a word that describes/connects to the three images on the dice in the color slots that are determined by the colors indicated on your card. You announce the word and all others try to guess the correct dice. If someone points them out correctly, they and you discard a card. Whoever gets rid of all their cards first, wins. Game modes are team play, competitive play, or solo play.


Vocabulary and association game for 2-12 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Noris Spiele / Simba Toys 2022

License: Economicus

Designer: Fedor Korzhenkov


Stock #: 60 610 1979


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no