Mein Taschengeld


Featuring cards from categories Usage, Ownership, Savings, Earning money and Wish list, the handling of money is simulated. Players compete to complete their wish list by collecting cards with the necessary symbols. You roll the die, move your marker, and resolve the slot you reached. If you have enough money, you must buy on the shopping slots. On the bank slots, you can buy a savings card, save money on a savings card, or sell a savings card for cash. Other slots are Earning Money, Extra Cash, Happy Birthday, Lose Money, and Flea Market. If you are first to have all cards with the symbols featured on your wish list, you win. You can replace a missing symbols with two others of the same color.

Revised edition, EAN of edition 2008


Roll & move game with a money topic for 2-6 players, ages7+


Publisher: Noris Spiele 2014


Stock #: 60 607 6345


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no