Clear communication about suggestive terms, which must be explained to the other players without using bodily or sexual connotations or context, without using parts or translations of the term itself. You could, for instance, explain Virgin with Zodiac Sign. In the phase Vorspiel, in turn players explain as many terms as they can, the others guess; when the timer runs out the explainer scores for all terms that were guessed, the guessers for those that they guessed. When 25 terms have been dealt with, they are re-shuffled, read again and explained again - as in Vorspiel - in the Nachspiel phase, but using different explanations.
Communication game for 3-8 players, ages 16+
Publisher: Noris Spiele 2018
Stock#: 60 610 1678
Users: With friends
Age: 16
Special: Many players
Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes