

Everybody knows those terms, as they do know Knüttelbisser or Autosomen, too, don’t they? If yes, then you have good chances in this new edition of the good old dictionary game with about 1500 new definitions. You play according to the familiar rules, the game master of the round reads out the term and all players write down as plausible an explanation as possible. The game master write down the correct explanation, collects all sheets and shuffles them. Then he reads out all definitions. You decide on a definition. If you have chosen the correct definition you move your marker one spot forward towards the finish. If you have imitated a dictionary so perfectly that one or more players have believed your – wrong – explanation you may move two steps forward for each player who believed you. Five spots on the track are specially marked; if you end up on one of those spots you can double your score of the next round. When somebody reaches the end of the track or when everybody has been game master twice, you win if you are furthest advanced on the track.


Game of definitions for 3-6 players, ages 12+


Designer: not named

Editing: Johann und Michael Rüttinger

Publisher: Noris Spiele 2011

Web: www.noris-spiele.de

Stock#: 60 601 6956


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes