KiKANiNCHEN Wir laufen um die Wette!


Kikaninchen is the identifaction character for the children’s TV channel of ARD and ZDF. In this roll-and-move game KiKaninchen and his friends want to fill the empty harvest basket with apples which they want to pluck from the tree on the last track card. Players must bet on the winner of the race and the winner of the game is the player who has guessed the winner. Between the start card with the basket and the finish card with the tree you place any number of cards you like. Each player chooses one of his color dots and thus bets on the animal that will reach the finish first. In turn each player takes both dice and moves the animal of the color rolled as many steps ahead as the number dice die demands. When you roll red the player puts back an animal of his choice the rolled number of steps. When the first animal reaches the tree the winner is the player who chose this color dot.


Race game with a diel * 2-5 players, ages 3 and up * Designer: Michael Rüttinger * Art: Katrin Lahr * 60 601 7360, noris, 2011 *** noris Spiele * Georg Reulein GmbH & Co KG *