
Neighbor or American?


The game mechanics and idea of Pictionary has inspired many successor game s, one of those is Imago. Players are sorted into two teams of roughly the same size, teams alternate to play. One member of a team is the active player. He draws a card, chooses a side and a column and then rolls the die to determine the category. Now he has 1 minute to draw the term so that the other members of his team guess the term correctly and can move the marker. This sequence is repeated until the marker of one of the teams crosses the finish line. The cards not only list terms, but also phrases.

The timer runs 30 seconds, but you have a minute for drawing the term. When the supervising team forgets to start the timer a second time, the active team keeps the additional time. The terms and phrases are sorted into six categories: “Among Humans”, “Nature & Environment”, “Science & Technology”, “A few things”, “Tasks & Activities” and “Motley”. If a team manages to guess the term correctly within a minute, the team advances its marker one step; should the team guess the term within 30 seconds, the marker is advanced two steps. The active artist may not utter comments, may not write down the term and not point at items in the room. He can confirm correctly guessed parts with gestures or mimic, and also indicate with gestures or mimic that his team mates are close to the solution.

With Imago, a well-established game principle has been modernized, not only as regards to the design but it has also been given cool, young, modern terms. The game is fun and the reward of two steps for quick drawing and guessing within 30 seconds is an especially nice detail.


Players: 4-12

Age: 12+

Duration: 45+

Designer: not stated

Artist: Michael Rüttinger

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: Noris Spiele


Genre: A game of drawing and guessing

Users: For families

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de

In-game text: yes



Established basic mechanism * nicely varied details * good selection of categories and terms * nice scoring mechanism due to time allotment


Compares to :

Pictionary, Activity and other games featuring drawing


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance: 1

Tactic: 0

Strategy: 0

Creativity: 3

Knowledge: 0

Memory: 0

Communication: 3

Interaction: 0

Dexterity: 3

Action: 3