GameDisk Das interaktive Wissens-Quiz für Kinder


With the DVD and a gimmick called GameDisk one can play solitaire or up to 6 players can play the interactive quiz show, provided one has a DVD player or a computer.  Per player one needs one GameDisk or an answer pad.  or 10 Quiz rounds can be chosen, each round has 5 games and each game asks 6 questions. For each question one decides on an answer and uses the button of the GameDisk or marks the pad. The DVD provides a control code after each game, with this code the Gamedisk can tell the number of correct answers given. The player with the most correct answers at the end of 5 rounds wins the game. Edition for children, playable without electronics using 110 quiz cards.


Quiz game * 1-6 players from age 6 * Designers: Michael Rüttinger and Georg Sommer * ca. 60 minutes * 690 1915, noris, Germany, 2005 *** noris SPIELE *