

Players are frogs and want to find their way across the pond using the water lilies, grab a fly and come back again across the water lilies. If you manage to do this first, you win the game. In your turn you roll and can relocate a tile for a water lily, for 1 and 2 he may move and the frog concert gives him a double turn comprising relocating a water lily and move. But to do so he must don the mask and guess which of his fellow players has been croaking like a frog. The fly must be reached with an exakt roll and you must also return to the starting point with an exact roll.


A game of dice and movement * 2-4 players, ages 6 and up * Designers: Michael Rüttinger, Johann Rüttinger * ca. 30 min. * 60 601 5603, Noris, Germany, 2010 *** noris SPIELE *