

Alter                    8

Spezial                 2


Das Krokodil-Spiel

Duel between crocodile and boatman


In the middle of the Eighties Noris-Verlag published a series of exceedingly beautiful family games, all invented by the brothers Johann and Michael Rüttinger. The series was headed by the famous Magician’s Trilogy and Das Krokodil-Spiel was part of this series. Noris has re-published these gems in 2010 and they still pass the test of time.

Das Krokodil-Spiel is a game for two players, boat versus crocodile, both players start the duel in the middle of the river. There are four lanes in the river. The two crocodiles are placed on the two middle lanes, the boat one of the middle lanes. The boat player starts the game. He holds the four cards depicting the lane numbers and chooses a card secretly for the lane where he wants to move and places the card below the other cards. Then he places his boat and can bluff, he need not place the boat into the lane where he wants to move and has chosen the card for. Then the crocodile player places his crocodiles into two lanes of his choice. Then the bottom card is revealed: When the boatman has chosen a row that is not blocked by a crocodile he moves his boat one step forward towards the crocodile base line. If the boat is blocked by a crocodile the crocodiles advance one step  and the boat must retreat one step. By the way, the boatman looks at the card first and only needs to display the card if he is not blocked. If you manage to reach the opposing base line you win the game.

After more than 20 years Das Krokodil-Spiel still has its appeal not least because of the pretty nostalgic design, the bluff mechanism still wirks very well and is fun, too.


Spieler         : 2

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Michael und Johann Rüttinger

Grafik          : not cited

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 15,00 Euro

Verlag          : Noris 2010



Genre                    : Setzspiel

Zielgruppe             : Für Familien

Mechanismen         : Move boat, close line with crocodiles



New edition in the Premium line

Original design

First edition 1987

Good bluffing mechanism



All games for two with the aim to reach the opposite base line



Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   3

