Das kleine
game for the 9 times tables in three phases:
learning phase teaches the 9 times table and children check with the ruler.
In the Using
Phase the child draws cards, if the answer is correct a chip is placed on the
corresponding number.
In the
Training Phase players hold 8 cards each and play one to top the card of the
previous player, the cards do not show the result, only the question, so the
children need to calculate.
game* 1 or more players from age 7 * ca. 45 min. * 5201, noris, 2001 ***
noris SPIELE * Georg Reulein GmbH & Co KG * Waldstraße 38 * D-90763 Fürth *
Fon +49-911-97080-0 * Fax +49-911-708507 * Noris-Spiele@t-online.de