Das große Feuerwehrspiel


Cards are rewards for knowledge or help for fire fighters. You hold four

Operation cards and roll a die: o For a „?“, you answer a question - reading assistance might be needed - and get the card for a correct answer. o For a number you move maximum as many steps: On a „?“ you answer a question; on a „!“ you take cards on the case or place two from the pile if the case is empty. You also take cards on a blank case. o For a „!“ you count Operation cards on the board and - in case of five or less - add three from stack; then you move three steps and resolve the new case. If you have eight cards, you win.


Collecting / quiz game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Noris Spiele 2017

Art: Lisa Stachnik, Andrea Hofbeck

Web: www.noris-spiele.de

Stock #: 60 601 1631


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes